In this issue: Welcome to Stir, Filling the Void, The Key, Pop Goes the Prison, Hidden City, Interview with Jenny Wicks, Citizen Theatre, Everything on Marlene and The Music Review.
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The theme for this issue is Prison Art. Articles include: Face to Face, Cuba Beyond the Frame, Open Museum, Unknown, Just an Egg, My Proudest Moment, and The Music Review
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The theme for this issue is Tattoos. Articles include: Sonnet Society, Truck Art, Alexander Guy, The Proposal, A long Time Ago, A Double Dunt, Emerging Artists and Evolve Art.
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The theme for this issue is Food. Articles include: My Kid Could do Better Than That, Heavy Bovril, The Art of Food, Jam, Susan Stein, International Women's Day, Shannon's Monolgue, Magi Gibson and Theatre Nemo.
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The theme for this issue is Urban Art. Articles include: Beyond the Layers, Richie Cumming, Barlinnie, Live with Art, In Jail Just Visiting, Nan Kerr's Mandolin, Biennale, You By Me, Emerging Artists and Citizens Theatre.
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The theme for this issue is The Environment. Articles include: The Herald Society Awards, Turner Prize: WTF?, Christopher Brookmyre, Fiona Nealon Workshop, Koestler Trust Visits Shotts, My Prison Cell, Emerging Artists, Scottish Prison Arts Network.
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The theme for this issue is Sport and Art. Articles include: Emotion The Final Frontier, The Art of Sport, Sailing, Altered Book Workshop, Maths and Art, Robertson Trust Project, Dorian - Will Self, In My Imagination, Emerging Artists and Scottish Prison Arts Network.
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The theme for this issue is Independence. Articles include: The Sacred art of Stealing, Personal Independence, Should I Stay or Should I Go?, Alba, Create & Curate, Wan o' They Days, Own Space, Neon Dreams, Emerging Artists and Poetry Corner.
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The theme for this issue is Music. Articles include: Rhythm and Paint, Lost in Music, Real Music, Music Reviews, STIR Tweets, Wall of Fame, Vox Liminis, Book Reviews, Jamie Akers visits Glenochil, Creative Writing, Emerging Artists and Poetry Corner.
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The theme for this issue is an International one. Articles include: Universal Art, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, The Americas, 10 Issues in Numbers, An Interview with Martina Cole, Film Reviews, Jess Thorpe, Poetry Corner and Emerging Writers and Artists.
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The new look issue 11. Features Science and Technology as its core theme. Articles include: Science - technology and art, Creative writing, an Interview with Koestler Trusts Tim Robertson, Reviews, Ben Howard, Poetry Corner and Emerging Writers & Artists.
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The theme for this issue is Art and Protest. Articles include: Art and Protest, The Rise of Environmental Graffiti, Knit and Natter, A Poem for International Women’s Day, Reviews, Creative Writing, Emerging Artists and Poetry Corner.
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The theme for this issue is Comedy & Humour. Articles include: Comedy & Humour, 183 More Sleeps Koestler Scotland Exhibition, Who am I?, Reviews, Creative Writing, Poetry Corner and Emerging Artists.